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News/Blog Posts

  • The Deep Connection with Aquamarine and Pisces

    Aquamarine, the birthstone for March, holds a deep connection with the zodiac sign Pisces,

  • da Vinci's Fascination with Amethyst

    Leonardo da Vinci held a deep appreciation for the amethyst gemstone. . . 

  • The Radiant Allure of Citrine: Your Path to Abundance and Inspiration

    If there were a sun-stone capable of enhancing your attractiveness, manifesting your dreams of wealth, and igniting the flames of your imagination, wouldn’t you want to uncover the secrets of such a treasure?
  • The Opal - Tapestry of Mystery and Lore

    Pictured is THE VIRGIN RAINBOW - Considered to be one of the world's most beautiful opals, "The Virgin Rainbow" is a 63.3mm Black Crystal Opal Bel...
  • Sapphire Flashback

    Sapphires boast a rich history spanning thousands of years, cherished in ancient civilizations as symbols of wisdom and royalty. The name "sapphir...
  • "Gem of the Sun" - Luminous Peridot

    Peridot has a long-standing connection with luminosity
  • Romancing the Ruby - Birthstone of July

    Throughout history, rubies have been closely linked with love and passion. Ancient beliefs held that rubies could ignite the flames of desire in one's heart. This romantic association has made rubies a popular choice for engagement rings and tokens of affection.
  • Draped in Luxurious Pearls

      Fascinating stories about alluring pearls! Centuries ago, well before recorded history, humans likely stumbled upon the first pearl while foragi...
  • Egyptian Female Portrait Wearing Emeralds

    There are so many regal portraits of women and men adorned in emeralds, but this portrait called out to me. 
  • What is She Wearing? The Woman in Gold -

    In Gustav Klimt's iconic painting "Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I," commonly known as "The Woman in Gold, . . .
  • Madonna of the Aquamarine - Salvador Dali

    In my research for another oil portrait featuring the gem or birthstone of the month for my series, What is She Wearing?,
  • What is She Wearing? The Lady with the Amethyst

    Continuing with the series, "What Is She Wearing?", I have selected the captivating portrait by Charles Shannon titled, "The Lady with the Amethyst". This remarkable artwork not only showcases the talent of the artist but also tells the story of the mysterious and alluring Miss Hilda Moore, the sitter for this masterpiece