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Sapphire Flashback

Sapphires boast a rich history spanning thousands of years, cherished in ancient civilizations as symbols of wisdom and royalty. The name "sapphire" comes from Latin and Greek words for blue stones. Throughout history, sapphires have been linked to various mystical meanings; for example, Persian rulers believed the sky's blue reflected sapphires, and Greek and Roman royalty wore them for protection.

Numerous famous sapphires have emerged throughout history, each with its own unique story. Among these is the renowned Star of India (pictured), a stunning gemstone weighing an impressive 563.35 carats. This sapphire is celebrated not only for its size but also for its fascinating journey marked by intrigue and adventure from its origins in Sri Lanka to its current home at the American Museum of Natural History. Discovered during the mid-19th century, it was part of an exquisite collection showcased at the 1900 Paris Exposition. Gem expert George Kunz of Tiffany & Co. acquired it, adding to its allure. However, the sapphire's journey took a dramatic turn when it was stolen in 1964 by a group of thieves, including the notorious "Murph the Surf." The thieves managed to breach the security of the American Museum of Natural History through a bathroom window, taking advantage of a broken alarm system. After a harrowing search, the Star of India was recovered when one of the thieves led authorities to a bus locker in Miami, where the gemstone was hidden. Today, it resides safely at the American Museum of Natural History, now equipped with a state-of-the-art security system to protect this invaluable piece of history.


 If you were born in the month of September, your birthstone is sapphire. Known as the "stone of wisdom and royalty," blue sapphire has been associated with wisdom, truth, and spiritual enlightenment.


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